"I only know what I see, Kurogane-san, and being a wizard, I see quite far."
Fai glanced down at the ninja's hand still resting on the hilt of his sword,
You wouldn't dare..............
then looked up impatiently.
"Just what did you come here for anyway? Ah...I suppose our good King sent you to fetch me, correct?" Before the ninja could answer, the wizard continued.
"I think you should get back to our King now, don't you? Perhaps you can console him tonight?" Fai asked, grinning up at the ninja. "Perhaps you can give Ashura-ou just what he needs........for I'm just not able to be there for our King tonight."
Then narrowing his eyes at the other man, "I seem to have developed a pounding
The wizard pushed past the ninja and moved toward the door.
"You'll tell Ashura for me, won't you?" He grinned picturing the look on the King's face when the ninja told him he wouldn't be coming, that he had in fact, failed to bring Fai to him.
"I think I'll get a little air," Fai glanced back at the ninja, as he walked out. "Perhaps you should do the same, Kurogane, you suddenly look a little pale, and I have the feeling you are going to have a long night."