Discuss: [Board Revival] Need Suggestions!
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I'm Still Requsting this!
sorry for making another request but can somebody erase the japanese signes and the numbers in this pic http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a128/JDoek/groupscan.jpgso that it's just the wallpaper itself in size 800X600, i'll give you 2 cookies for it
I have small request, if someone could make me a banner for my livejournal userinfo. Any image of Full Moon wo Sagashite would be nice, with Angel_of_Summer as the text.Here is an example of a banner I'd like: http://www.livejournal.com/userinfo.bml?user=famnessAlso, here is a link to my journal, for reference if needed: http://www.livejournal.com/userinfo.bml?user=angel_of_summerI'll pay up to 3 cookies. (over the course of 3 days, since I can only give out one cookie at a time. ^^;; )
Still requesting this...
i'm still requesting this
ahah!!! im done..... (:... wells here it is.. im SORRY if you think its ugly.. took me long time buh heress (:http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v310/kitty_fire/bgforkuropuppy.jpg
omgomgomg.. BABYPIGGYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYyy we're like figtinggg for this job ehhh??? .. okkk lets slit the jobbbbsss call it when you're doing itttt oKAYsss??? cuz it takes me long to make ONE ya knoo.. and then you do another one and its like.... MEAN,,, LOLss well comfirm you're doing it KAYsss??? and read the last posts cuz you may be repeating a jobb.. it took me long to make taht one.. ;;*glares at babypiggy*
uhh..no..more than one person can do it.... youre just paranoid. you're the one competitive. (=