General Discussions > Anything goes...

Let's see your desktop! XD (56K Warning: Big pictures inside)

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Saw a thread like this on gaia...seemed pretty fun ^^
Anyways...let's see your desktop! what kind of anime wallpaper have you got on there?  XD
here's mine

The icons are all messy, hehe. I haven't cleaned my hard drive for awhile  :sweatdrop:

hehe, I was going to make this thread :(, oh well looks like you beat me to it :D

heres mine

heres mine.  i like threads like this.  desktops are like a window to the persons interests.  and mine looks into my angst loving personality.  this is my fav scene ever.

Shinigami Zero:
Yeah...window to the soul. GENESIC GAOGAIGAR FOR THE WIN! *dances*

I'm ashamed, though. All I could find to play at the time was GaoFighGar's theme. T_T

This is a thumbnail, so clicky-clicky if you want to see the bigger version. ^^

Here's a copy of mine I'm currently using...I change it every few days:

My desktop is on picture slideshow mode so all of my CCSakura pics are there...4,000 plus :D


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