Hmm a list huh?
Lets see:
Boys Talk - Syaoran talks to Eriol about his love interest
Chibi Cardcaptors on the Loose! - S+S, chibi versions get up to mischief
Countdown - Syaoran counts down the minutes till he is alone, S+S
Falling Snowflakes E+T, Eriol and Tomoyo watched the falling snowflakes together, Eriol leaves, will Tomoyo wait for him?
Get me out S+S, Tomoyo locks the two in a closet
Kids and their Miracles S+S, Older versions with children
Magnanimous No Pairing, Tomoyo's thoughts about Syaoran
Midnight Visit S+S, Syaoran pays Sakura a late night visit
Miscommunication E+T, A miscommunicated messages, makes people believe E&T are a couple
Nine Months (Story removed), S+S, Sakura and Syaoran find out they are going to be parents
Pigeons E+T, A Christmas love story between Eriol and Tomoyo. Fate has given them the best gift this year: Each other.
Rain (posted on these forums)
Snow (posted on these forums)
Songbird E+T. Tomoyo performs a song. But another person was also asked to accompany her with a piano
Sweet Success No Pairing (but a little S+S), Kero goes looking for a snack
The Moment S+S (older), Strange happenings at a family gathering
Theory of Happiness (not sure on this one),E+T
Tomoyo Daidouji teaches us that sometimes, unrequited love is watching the person you love being happy, that in turn becomes your own happiness as well. Falling for Eriol has created such a strange, but poignantly true theory for the amethyst-eyed girl.
Tricking the Trickster E+T, Eriol's at it again, playing one of his little pranks. So Tomoyo decides to play one of her own.
Two Little Words (one of my personal favs)
S+S (Syaorans POV), I just stood there as the words sank in. It's amazing how two words can change your life.
Unwanted Valentines S+S
Syaoran has always hated Valentines Day though he always gets his locker stuffed with valentines. This year…something in his locker catches his eye…
What I Hold Dearest S+S, It's Syaoran and Sakura's wedding day! Syaoran's POV on how they finally got there
What the Heck does Syao Mean (this one is good, another personal fav
) S+S
Cheating lands Kero in trouble as a card attempts revenge but hitting Sakura, transforming her into a baby. Crying and crying, what does she want?
Wherever You Are E+T, Realizations are made in an empty music room when he came two hours after her choir practice...
Why. No Pairing, Tomoyo is thinking after the death Sakura and Syaoran Li.
Wind (Posted on this forum)
- Post updated with links, pairings and summaries