Yeah... I don't think SYaoran suits the earings, either. I noticed it just yesterday and I was like, "Whhaaaa! NOO! They raped my porr Syaorans' ears!!!"
I probably would have chosen other volume covers .. .err...but I haven't seen them all
Ahahah...I cracked up right after i read ur comment...SO FUNNY. XDDDD
And in the new TRC chapter 74 splash page, it featured Syaoran wearing a chinese robe + EARRINGS...i always know that CLAMP loves chinese culture...but EARRINGS, come on, what are they thinking? Is CLAMP obsessed with earrings or are they trying to make Syaoran look 'dressy'
O o O
Somehow, its so funny, now that i think about it, Sakura was like the 'model' of their designs before, and now its Syaoran's turn...but the bad thing is he has EARRINGS...ew.