I hated French. I had been forced to take it all through school up until Grade 9. Then I got the opportunity to FINALLY take Japanese.
Hehe, I jumped at the chance.
And I find it so much easier. Hehe, That was the easiest A I have ever gotten!
Plus, I heard the french teacher at my school is a total [insert innapropriate words].
I don't plan on finding out.
I hate PE at my school. Pssh, if you miss a single PE class, you HAVE to make up for it. Even if you have a decent reason...like...err...I don't know...being in the freaking HOSPITAL!!! Sheesh! I swear the conversation was like this:
Teacher: Why haven't you been to class this past week?
Me: "Oh! I'm sorry I missed your class, I was busy passing out from LACK OF OXYGEN!"
Teacher: Well, you're just going to have to make it up by staying in at lunch for the next few weeks.
Me: ...Whaaa? But I have a doctors note saying I shouldn't be doing PE for the next few weeks...which is pretty much the rest of the year.
Teacher: [glares] Too bad. Go do ten laps and stay in at lunch for the rest of the year!
Me: Kweh?
[sigh] Why didn't the REST of the school get burned to the ground entirely. Blah, that would have been a dream come true.