YES! I was just thinking of that RP idea when I was in the washroom. Play as ourselves and no certain plot. We just do whatever we want. XD I'll start that, umm. TOMORROW! I have to be reminded though. I'll probably forget.

One of you remind me. XD I'm probably going out tomorrow too.
Well. I think I'm going to go now, it's getting later. 4:33am. o.O
SLi says, he's not at his house.
I'm not scared of the dark but I don't like being in it if there's no one else. I don't like scary stuff.. -__-" I mean like I freak out playing hide and seek at times because I'm scared someone will jump out and scare me. I swear I don't like that game at all.

I guess we'll continue this RPing in the thing I start tomorrow. ROFL! Well, I guess this is good night to the both of you. XD hehe