*groans* As expeccted, I got low grades on every math related subject....English was good though. 
*pats lika and gives cookie* Haha, I'm getting cookie hyper again. I don't easily get scared by movies though. I always console myself that they aren't real.
THANKS!! And It's ok. *pats and gives cookie too. XD
OMG! NO! None of the movies you guys mentioned. Uh I think I would seriously be scared to death if I watched those. The thing I was watching was some chinese show. And if you guys watched it, I don't think you would be scared. I'm really really really scared of things.
I had a pretty hard time last night, going to sleep. *shivers*
See, whenever I watch a scary movie, I always have the image in my head for LIFE! Then my imagination gets the best of me and makes me think that that 'thing' is alive and waiting outside whatever to get me. *runs away and scream 'mommy'*