CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE
Translations, chapitre 80+
thanx a bunch pikari you rock!!
[sappy speech]
*gives great bows to everyone*
I want to thank you guys so much for your support and for reading the translations, even as imperfect as some of them might be! I do it just for you guys (and, well, its an excuse to get the chapters and read them as soon as they come out. XD)
I just checked the hit counter on the scripts page and there were 296 hits yesterday (Thursday) alone! That's almost double from the same day last week..... I'm glad to know there's so many faithful Tsubasa fans. ^_^ Please keep reading and I'll try my best to keep translating!!
*gets off soapbox*
[/sappy speech]
*claps for Pikari-chan*
And may you have many more hits to come! ^_^
I can't think of anyone else's Tsubasa translation I'd rather read than Pikari's. ^^
Thank you for your translations! I know I'd be so lost about Tsubasa's plot without you. @_@
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