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etou..I have another request Is there anywhere where I can download Miyazaki's movies' OSTs? I'm looking for Totoro, Spirited Away, Nausicca...and if possible, Mononoke HimeArigatou in advance!
does anyone have the mp3's of the OP and ED or the OST download from Hanbun no Tsuki ga Noboru Sora (in short Hantsuki) , the anime is not very known so i'm including this pic: give one cookie for the mp3 of the OP and ED each and 2 cookies for the OST
umm...Is there anywhere I can download Rewrite ~ Asian Kung-Fu Generation, I Will from FMA, the opening to Hagaren the Movie, Every Heart ~ BoA, and Sakura Drops ~ Utada Hikaru? ^^" Long list...gomen nasai...
try site has many popular anime tunes and its direct download.
Arigatou, sanlyn! O.o How do I give cookies? ...
You have to have minimum of 300 posts (without spamming, of course) to do that. You are close though ^_^
anybody knows where i can get the ost for fate stay night?