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0 Members and 30 Guests are viewing this topic. here, they are songs 2,3 and 4
Kuro-puppy, filelodge doesn't work for me X_x I dunno why....
you tried right-clicking and selecting save target as right?
Oh.. so that's how to navigate through.... I'm such a dope Here's your reward for the effort! ^_^ *cookie* (now you have 78 XD)
Doki Doki Love mail by Aya MatsuuraLOVE Namida Iro by Aya Matsuura
CUTIE CUTIETRAVELING WITH A SHEEP^does anyone have these two songs from Yukari Tamura? (cookie for help as usual ^_^)
cutie cutie : with a sheep :
doki doki love mail - love namida iro -
im still looking for "Waratteta" by Sukoshisince obans now more then halfway thru the series, the full version might be out now, but i cant find it.
Xiao_Lang, kuro-puppy: Thanks for the cookieswhat's that an anime song ? I searched in cd-japan and theres no artist name sukoshi.
animenews networkd might have the name wong. its for the anime Oban star-racers
Does anyone know where I can find Zetsubou by MUCC?
does anyone have these two songs:- the song played during the ending credits of Laputa: Castle in the Sky