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My little brother is looking for "Brand New World" by V6, can anyone help?
japanese version of "Love will find a way" please and thank youEDIT...english version, asl played in the movie[NOT the version played during the credits], too please
hmmx.. i don't know if i can ask for anime songs here.. but i would like to have the opening and ending song for Fruits Basket anime
thanks for the link but the download doesn't work
Kyou Kara Maou image songs requested by tsubasaHime199Konrateternal ring downloadLove me tenderYuriBe alrightshiro to kuroWolfranOwaranai BoukenTaiyou wo mitsumete iruall mp3 ripped by aznmp3
thankz but why is it only eternal love song? anyway,cookie for you! ^^
Kyou Kara Maou image songs requested by tsubasaHime199Konrateternal ring downloadLove me tender downloadYuriBe alright downloadshiro to kuro downloadWolfranOwaranai Bouken downloadTaiyou wo mitsumete iru downloadall mp3 ripped by aznmp3
not yet release wait for December 6
japanese version of "Love will find a way" which is called "Ai no Michibiki" (Love's Guidance) pleasecookie reeward^- just bumping my request ^^;;;
may i know who sang it and is it a song from anime/game or jpop?