rerequests =_= blame my idiot brother for refusing to give me access to my downloads.
eighth color (eighth door?)
(dont know who sings it. dont even remember where i got it. probably off of kazaa before it discontinued) [this is either from escaflowne or .hack. when i DLed it from kazaa it was tagged for .hack]
japanese version of "Love will find a way" which is called "Ai no Michibiki"
"Kono omoi tsutaerareru (I Thought I Could Convey This Feeling...)" by Another Moon
sailor moon: (please dont send me to, they only have oggs and they dont play on MP3 players)
"she's got the power"
"carry on"
Maiden's Policy (japanese version!!!)
My only love
that dragon luliby song from Escaflowne: the movie.

please help me.
cookies per song