CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE

What will be cut?

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--- Quote from: Nyoko on April 08 2005, 05:18 am ---Now, I have been informed that there will only be about 23 episodes of Tsubasa. That doesn't give much time for the story now does it? Well, I'm just interested as to what you think will be taken out...

--- End quote ---

just wanna ask.. where did you get the news (only 23 episodes) from?

I think that 23 epis in ONE SEASON ^^
How can they make TRC end in 23 ep??!??! That's too short ^^"""""

i agree with .::ka::.  m sure there'll be a season 2 or probably more~ and for every season there are new songs right :D

Ruby Chan:
There rpob will be at leats another season...after all, CCS had three seasons....they prob just wanted to see everyone's reactions to the first series b4 announcing a second....

I remember someone else has mentioned that the current rating is not so good... I hope the movie pulls the rating, so they might consider making another season...
Also... they added a little bit more stuff in Hanshin... Wasn't the producer's intended theme about being able to strive for a goal even if the end is no where near?  I think they might end the show at the end of Outo Country because that is the country where a big conflict is being introduced... and it will leave the audience to be more curious if the story ends at the most exciting moment... At least that's what I'd do if I am only allowed to make 26 episodes for Tsubasa


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