AuthorTopic: Sakura, Syaoran, Tomoyo, Meiling... Family? *Theories*  (Read 13906 times)

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Sakura, Syaoran, Tomoyo, Meiling... Family? *Theories*
« on: August 04 2005, 09:35 pm »
What's the deal with the stars' parents?

Okay, so we know that Sakura has her living father and her annoying brother (our beloved Touya). It's a well known fact that her mother died when she three for reasons we are never told. Is there any mention of what Nadeshiko died of, or are we meant to guess... Cause my guess is of an illness of some sort though I could be wrong. From the looks of things, she's the happiest of the Cardcaptor Sakura gang.

From what we've seen and heard, Syaoran Li is the youngest of five children and is the only boy, with four crazy older sisters and a very respectable, pretty and strange mother. As told to us by Wei in the 'Move' card episode (when Meiling showed up) we're told that Syaoran's father died when he was little (probably around the age that Sakura was when her mother died). Now, I don't think that Syaoran's father died of illness but maybe a car crash?

Tomoyo is easy, as her parents are obviously divorced. Whether Tomoyo knows who her father is or not (after all, from the way Tomoyo never talks about him, if sounds like they parted on bad terms). We know her mother was Nadeshiko's cousin and is obsessed with Nadeshiko like Tomoyo is with Sakura.

Meiling is a little bit harder. We KNOW she has a mother as she calls Meiling up to tell her to come home for family reasons, and Syaoran mentions that 'auntie' (Meiling's mother) said so. There is mention of Meiling's father somewhere (it might have been the dub or something). So I asume that Meiling is the ONLY one of the 'Fabulous Four' who has both of her parents! I doubt she has a great family unit as she seems to prefer the company of Syaoran, Yelan and her other cousins (from the way she speaks). My guess is her parents want to marry her off quickly to someone with power magical powers. Meiling is clearly meant to have magical powers, but it my have been a defelt cause she doesn't, does she. (Although, she does have incredible strength. A ten year old black belt...)

Of course there is Eriol who is sort of the fifth member of the gang (though he really runs in his own circles... Yamazaki and Nakuru... etc.) who is obviously not a normal kid, hence he probably doesn't have parents. His family just include Spineil and Nakuru... And of course, his beloved Kaho. So he's made his own family. (Then again, he's Clow in a way, so Syaoran is his 'cute decendant', and probably related to Meiling too...)

The gang's parents are pretty hacked, aren't they? As from the looks of things... None of them have it all do they? ^_^ And they're all realated to each other. See, Tomoyo and Sakura are cousin's through their mother's, and Meiling and Syaoran are fairly close cousins through the 'Li' line (So my guess is their father's were brother's or something... Seeing as Syaoran calls Meiling's mother his 'auntie'). Sakura and Syaoran, in a idle girl-anime-like-manner will stay together and get married... Therefore joining all four of them together as family... As for Eriol, we already know that Syaoran and Meiling are decendants of Clow Reed, therefore Eriol's related to them also.

Awww... It's family a wonderful thing?

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Re: Sakura, Syaoran, Tomoyo, Meiling... Family? *Theories*
« Reply #1 on: August 04 2005, 09:48 pm »
Very interesting thoughts.

Very nicely put :D

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Re: Sakura, Syaoran, Tomoyo, Meiling... Family? *Theories*
« Reply #2 on: August 04 2005, 09:52 pm »
Hmmm.....couldn't Meiling's mother be the sister of Yelan? That would make her Syaoran's auntie too.....

But good observation skills!

I think that there may be another connection too.....a lot of people think that Nadeshiko had magic, since although Fujitake is half of Clow Reed, he may not have been the one to pass the magic down. Both Nadeshiko and Syaoran's father died young....perhaps they knew each other like Sakura and Syaoran, and battled something that cursed them to die early of an illness?

Speaking of Fujitaka, since he's half of Clow Reed, like Eriol, that would mean that he's related to Syaoran and Meiling too (if Eriol is, I mean). Which makes Sakura, Meiling and Syaoran all distant cousins or something!

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Re: Sakura, Syaoran, Tomoyo, Meiling... Family? *Theories*
« Reply #3 on: August 04 2005, 10:32 pm »
It has been popular theory that both Nadeshiko and Syaoran's father knew each other. Maybe they were at school together or something. I just think that it's sad that the Fantatic Four... and Eriol... all seem to have come from 'broken families'.  As for the realtions, in my story 'The Secret Diary of Meiling Li', Meiling's mother was Syaoran's father's younger sister. I have this theory that the Li family basically married each other to keep magic in the family... Of course it seems Meiling must have a faulty gene (poor sweetheart) which means she doesn't have magical powers (or the sixth sense).

Meiling and Syaoran are the most interesting characters in 'Card Captor Sakura' as they both seem to come from strange backgrounds. Something tells me that Meiling (who if you haven't guessed yet is my favourite girl character) comes from a family that don't really think much of her... possibly because she has no special powers. She's only child, but fromt he way she clings to Syaoran, it seems she wants to create a good family unit that she can feel safe in. This is probably why she follows Syaoran everwhere, not because she's in love with him, but because she's desperate to feel a part of a family.

Syaoran's father is a strangely popular theory character... He's only mentioned once in the anime and he's big news. The idea that he died when Syaoran was three is very likely, cause not only does it fit into the time Sakura's mother die,d but because it means that Syaoran was just about old enough to remember his father, but not enough to remember who and what he was like. This I think may have caused Syaoran to become the way he is... No because he was just brought up that way, but because he wants a male role model. In the manga, Syaoran seems a little taken in by Sakura's father (and Fujitaka seems to like Syaoran too).

Both Sakura and Syaoran lost the one parent that would be their best friend, or the one that they'd be close with... Hence, both of them were brought up in a family were they had no strong role model. Sakura seems to have got on with it with no problem, but still wishing for her mother while Syaoran had been forced to only care for himself and seems desperate for a male role model. So in a sence, Sakura and Syaoran are more perfect for each other as they fill in the gaps of each other's lives. ^_^


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Re: Sakura, Syaoran, Tomoyo, Meiling... Family? *Theories*
« Reply #4 on: August 06 2005, 04:22 pm »
The mention of Tomoyo's father reminded me of a theory I've had for a long time. Anybody who's watched Card Captor Sakura is well aware that Tomoyo loves Sakura as more than just friends, and though Tomoyo's mom Sonomi is shown at least a handful of times, she gives off the same impression for Nadeshiko.

My theory is that she was forced into an arranged marriage, considering they were born into a very well to do family, and she was really in love with Nadeshiko. Eventually, I'm assuming, her parents died, as they are never mentioned in the anime or the manga, and she divorced her husband because she's actually a lesbian.

It's a pretty well known fact that homosexuality is hereditary and obviously Tomoyo also inherited it, and very well likely that Touya inherited it as well since Tomoyo and Sonomi are his and Sakura's cousins.

All this is merely speculation, and I'm not stating that it's factual.

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Re: Sakura, Syaoran, Tomoyo, Meiling... Family? *Theories*
« Reply #5 on: August 11 2005, 07:07 am »
hehe... great theories everyone! :keke:

it did made me think about their whole relationship again..

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Re: Sakura, Syaoran, Tomoyo, Meiling... Family? *Theories*
« Reply #6 on: August 14 2005, 09:54 pm »
I just love the way everyone in the gang are related in the Anime. Cause Eriol is a Clow recanated, therefore he is Syaoran's distant cousin (if you will) so that means that Eriol must be Meiling's cousin cause she's Syaoran's cousin. Sakura and Syaoran are on a budding romance and might get married one day, and Tomoyo is Sakura's cousin... So the Fantastic Four (and Eriol, Fastastic Five) are all related. They can all help each other too...

I've got this theory that seeing as Tomoyo is most probably a lesbian, she might have a chance with Meiling. If not a romantic relationship, then they'd be two friends living together years from now keeping each other company. They both lost the loves of their lives when the loves fell in love with each other, so I think it's a sweet image to have Meiling and Tomoyo sitting in their flat watching old CC videos and crying over it all!

Back to their parents, it's an interesting view on families when you consider NOBODY in the CCS has a normal, complete family. None of them seem to have the whole package. It just shows how imperfect life it.

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Re: Sakura, Syaoran, Tomoyo, Meiling... Family? *Theories*
« Reply #7 on: August 15 2005, 03:00 am »
yeah, quite true.. probably subconsciously, they want to tell us that life is not perfect and even if you are brought up in a single parent family, life can be as great.

erm, i dont think Tomoyo will have a chance with Meiling because i dont think Meiling will be a lesbian.. *lol* she loves guys (e.g.: Syaoran).. maybe she will have hard time finding a boyfriend because of her 'fiery' temper and she only wants someone that really 'belongs' to her.. :)

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Re: Sakura, Syaoran, Tomoyo, Meiling... Family? *Theories*
« Reply #8 on: August 16 2005, 10:37 am »
That's why I think Meiling in twenty years time will be sitting with Tomoyo in their own 'spinster's flat', crying over the sappy romatic flicks they've collected over the years, toped of with old video clips of Sakura and Syaoran's wedding. Nothing you'd like more then a sappy romantic thing to watch... lol!

Don't worry, Mei-Mei will find... someone. I mean, somewhere the perfect man is waiting for her!

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Re: Sakura, Syaoran, Tomoyo, Meiling... Family? *Theories*
« Reply #9 on: August 16 2005, 10:47 am »
So CCS is pretty crazy about keeping everyone related. I'll bet Terada IS Rika's father, and I'll bet that Chiharu and Naoko are sisters, and Yamazaki's a distant relative of Clow Reed, and that Kero actually is the one that marries Meilin, and then everything will be bunched up in a confusing manner so that an entire topic has to be created concerning the subject. =P
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Re: Sakura, Syaoran, Tomoyo, Meiling... Family? *Theories*
« Reply #10 on: August 16 2005, 10:54 am »
So CCS is pretty crazy about keeping everyone related. I'll bet Terada IS Rika's father, and I'll bet that Chiharu and Naoko are sisters, and Yamazaki's a distant relative of Clow Reed, and that Kero actually is the one that marries Meilin, and then everything will be bunched up in a confusing manner so that an entire topic has to be created concerning the subject. =P

That is absolutely crazy, funny but crazy :D
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Re: Sakura, Syaoran, Tomoyo, Meiling... Family? *Theories*
« Reply #11 on: August 16 2005, 10:56 am »
We want to make connections, not be gross! But yes, the truth is... there are connections everywhere. Yamazaki will probably be the bestman at both Syaoran and Eriol's weddings. And Meiling would never marry Kero... Despite them being different specise, they pretty much hate each other.

It is funny how they're all bunched together though ^_^

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Re: Sakura, Syaoran, Tomoyo, Meiling... Family? *Theories*
« Reply #12 on: August 16 2005, 10:57 am »
and you can imagine Yamazaki starts telling his infamous lies to everyone at the weddings...

Meiling and Kero.. haha.. hate may turn to love eventually... *lol*

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Re: Sakura, Syaoran, Tomoyo, Meiling... Family? *Theories*
« Reply #13 on: August 16 2005, 11:09 am »
Yamazaki telling Syaoran the tale of the origins of the best man and Syaoran thinking "I should have asked Hiiragizawa to be my best man, at least he doesn't start off lying unless someone sets him off!" Then again, Eriol's doing the service, dressed up like a bishop! That would be funny! And there is Sakura coming down the ile with Meiling, Chiharu (who is going to get Yamazaki to shut up by the way), Rika and Naoko... Quitely followed by Tomoyo and her videocamera. Then when the bloke asks for the rings, that sets Yamazaki off again!

Awwww! They're all a family now!

PS: I can't wait to hear the bestman speech! lol!

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Re: Sakura, Syaoran, Tomoyo, Meiling... Family? *Theories*
« Reply #14 on: August 17 2005, 02:47 am »
The best man's speech: The origin and famous tales of marriage, and the first Chinese/Japanese pairing in history that turned out to be a disaster...

Kero wouldn't marry Meiling. They're not even the same species. In fact... we don't even know what species Kero is. But it'd be an amusing scene. Meiling leaping atop the transformed Kero, who has "Just Married" spraypainted onto his wings.
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Re: Sakura, Syaoran, Tomoyo, Meiling... Family? *Theories*
« Reply #15 on: August 17 2005, 09:22 pm »
Eriol on the DJ (His red bishop's hat was on straight when he married them, but tipped it... For Party time!) Then after the bestman speech (which was a pack of lies that Chiharu had to put a stop to), they all eat and then they cut the cake! Then it's dacing time, Sakura and Syaoran start them off, followed by Yelan and Fujitaka (who will later switch for their children), followed by Nakuru dancing with an annoyed looking Touya and a smiling Yukito, followed by Meiling and Tomoyo doing that dance the praticed for weeks! Then in come the others. Eriol going crazy and really getting into the DJ thing.

I rather imagine that's how Sakura and Syaoran would leave the wedding, on Kero's back. After the big bouquet throwing in which Chiharu, Rika, Naoko all try to catch it but it lands in Meiling's hands, with Tomoyo sticking her camera in her face, taping it all. Fujitaka and Yelan both come out and say goodbye to the kids and the kids saying thank you for letting us get married. Then they jump on the Kero and he flies off with a sign tied to his back as he flies saying... "Just married!"

That would be funny... lol!

Ah! All the family together... you know we should all write how the wedding would go. 'The Tale in which everyone in CCS is Family!'


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Re: Sakura, Syaoran, Tomoyo, Meiling... Family? *Theories*
« Reply #16 on: August 19 2005, 01:44 pm »
Just picture this scenario: Yamazaki becomes the best man and tells Syaoran that marriage came from the ancient Egyptians and in order to show his love for Sakura, he doesn't answer the vows but does an Egyptian dance that is translated for the vows, then Eriol chimes in and tells Syaoran to also dance on his head while dancing backwards like an Egyptian, and then they corner Sakura and tell her to respond to Syaoran's actions by throwing her bouquet at the audience and fly off into the sky with the fly card.

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Re: Sakura, Syaoran, Tomoyo, Meiling... Family? *Theories*
« Reply #17 on: August 19 2005, 02:26 pm »
lol Interesting marriage scenarios...
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Re: Sakura, Syaoran, Tomoyo, Meiling... Family? *Theories*
« Reply #18 on: August 19 2005, 02:42 pm »
this is quite an interesting topic everyone has here. before i came across this, i would have never come up with theories about their families like this, but now, i'm starting to wonder.
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Re: Sakura, Syaoran, Tomoyo, Meiling... Family? *Theories*
« Reply #19 on: August 29 2005, 12:09 am »
The four main characters (Sakura, Syaoran, Tomoyo and Meiling) all seem to come from messed up, incomplete or strange families. What are your theories on the families? All mine are in the posts above. ^_^