CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE

TRC hardCover editions

<< < (6/10) > >>

Yep! =] and i sure can't wait...  wish it did come out in hardback cover...

i doubt they'll do's really pointless...and too expensive

i think it'll be nice tho!! so the covers won't get messed up or anything! i don't know.. i was just saying..

It would be nice to have the TRC hardcover editions in North America, but I doubt I'll be able to afford it, and I don't think Del Rey would make much of a profit by doing that anyway :confused:

Aw, I want the hard cover editions too! *Sobs with other broke people in corner* Perhaps my parents will be so kind? (Don't think so... besides, then I'd fall behind in all the other manga series -_-)

Wish I had a job... If I didn't play ice hockey, I could have a job.... But alas, ice hockey is my first obsession, so that kicks jobs and anime and manga to the curb.

But for real, I need to get a new volume one and two.... They're like dead X_X. (My poor manga!!!!!!! I didn't do it, I tell ya!)


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