Discuss: [Board Revival] Need Suggestions!
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I loved this set! Could I use it? And if yes thank you!
The wallpapers are cool. I've always admired graphic artist, since I can't do it. ;-;
OMG aww Thats great! So Cool! bLuetopaz where do you come up with these?
Is it ok for me to request an avi and a sig??Picture: http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a391/51990/Final%20Fantasy/cloudtifa.jpgText: I cant think of any text to go with it...but if you think of any you can put it on!Arigatoo!~
yeah sure you can.. i will try to get it done by Sunday (hopefully)its a nice pict!
OMG they're lovely and nice!! Can I use some of your avatars and sigs?
Its very nice , keep up the good jobs
Great avatar and sigs bLuetopaz, these are really well done
omg !!!! they are wonderful!i loved them all.. especially the wallpapers-- ^^
Kawaii~ Bluetopaz-Sama you have done it again :3
Wah~ Sugoi, bluetopaz! All of your avys and siggys are always so wonderful Great job *Plz have a cookie *