General Discussions > Anything goes...

How did you get into capturedwings forum?

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I was always checking Little Wolf-kun's blog. Then he announced that this forum finally opened! So I was one of the people to first join.

was talking to little wolf-sama when he told me about the opening the forum  :keke:
I was also one of the first ones to join

I joined a lot of Yahoo Groups and someone listed a bunch of forums to joined and I joined this one. XD haha. ^__^

I don't think I count as one of the first people to join.

i was browsing a tsubasa anime page on deviantart and it had a link to this sugoi forum, aaaand....voila! (i think that's how you spell it...XD)

I was googling tsubasa and just so happened to come across the forum.
It was destiny. XD


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