General Discussions > Anything goes...
How did you get into capturedwings forum?
caredcaptors_ria told me about this forum ^^
Ahh, google.... *giggles*
I googled "Tsubasa chronicle fansubs" and I got linked to the official thread. Then I thought to myself, "Hey this thread looks cool! OMG!! IS THAT REALLY THE TITLE OF THIS FORUM?!? SCORE!" So I registered my flipping brains out. Here I am!
well...i had downloaded ccs ages ago and when the eps ended the website came up so i decided i'd check it out! and it got me to this incredible place! thanks all you forum ppl!
by my crazy sis
I found it on google O_O
well I knew about captured wings..and it has a forum but i never joined until Daybraek taught me how great forums can be (=
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