CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE

Aerial [Tsubasa OP single--Kinya]

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Kyle Rondart:
Once again another bad song. I wish he would start working with Daisuke Asakura again. His songs were alot better when he did.

I love this song and Blaze! Thanks for uploading it! Kinya is so great, but I liked his music better when he was working with Asakura, too... Asakura makes everything better by sprinklin' that Dai-chan magic on it! ^___^ Anyway, I heard that Kinya is a big Clamp fan and was really happy to do these songs, does anyone know if that's true?

i don't really like the song. there's just something about it that i'm not used to about kinya. oh well.

I dunno... it sounds alright to me. But that's probably just me since I thought he sounded like my other favorite Chinese artists. lol ^^;;

You know what was funny? It's only in the movie for about 5 seconds (as the title comes on the screen!).  :rotfl:


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