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What was the last non-manga book that you have read?

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Sorry if this is already a topic. But I was sort of curious as to what non-anime books everyone read here, if they read non-anime. =P

Mine is Demons and Angels by Dan Brown.

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Yup. =)

for my own entertainment: harry potter and the half-blood prince (i'm a rabid fan..)

for summer reading (bleh! XP): 1984 by George Orwell

both good books!! now, if only manga were on summer reading lists...^.^

war of the worlds...HG Wells is a confusing man  :sweatdrop:

Hehehe I think I read Harry potter and the half-blood prince for my own entertainment and Anthem By Ayn Rand for my summer homework! What a bummer! :cry:


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