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What was the last non-manga book that you have read?

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Sayora Chan:
My english book in prepartion for another paper  :homework:

My english book

Here in Brazil we have to make exams to enter the university, so I'm reading the books for it... The last I read was "O Primo Basílio" - it means Cousin Basílio, by Eça de Queirós a portuguese writer. I liked the story, but the descriptions are very long and it bored me so much. Now I'm reading Sagarana, that is a book with many stories about the countryside of Brazil, and it's the worst book....... I still have to read 3 books till november.....

Lord of the Flies   gah it's a bad book never read it unless you are forced to (like me)

Princess Kakurine:
Module 6


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