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What was the last non-manga book that you have read?

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Princess Kakurine:

My History text book... The exams are coming...


--- Quote ---Lord of the Flies
--- End quote ---

--- Quote ---Ooh i hate that book!
I had to read it  just before i read  The Watsons go to Birmingham 1963.
--- End quote ---

Haha...Yeah, I hate it too, its SO boring! We have to read it in school. -_-

Ruby Chan:
Last anime book I read was the Star Wars Trilogy book.

And memo to you guys: Please don't discuss the books here! Just post the title, and maybe a comment.....but don't comment on each other's unless you're posting your last read book.

The Da Vinci Code ~ Dan Brown

Wow...that was exciting...:surprised:


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