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What was the last non-manga book that you have read?

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Opposing Viewpoints on Gun Control for my paper

Director of Music:

Magi Something


--- Quote from: Zeldi on September 28 2005, 02:25 am ---Magi Something

--- End quote ---

Hmm, was it "Gift of the Magi"? Actually, I think that was a short story, so that probably wasn't it.. And the last non-anime thing I read (it wasn't the whole book) was the Merck Manual, as usual..


--- Quote from: AkaiYuki on September 28 2005, 03:35 am ---Hmm, was it "Gift of the Magi"? Actually, I think that was a short story, so that probably wasn't it.. And the last non-anime thing I read (it wasn't the whole book) was the Merck Manual, as usual..

--- End quote ---
Yes it was.. Now it´s
Magi somthing something again!


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