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What was the last non-manga book that you have read?

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--- Quote from: Monse-chan on October 09 2005, 08:44 am ---I don't know how to say it in english :XD: :

El Alquimista....maybe the Alquemist or something like that...sorry about that :sweatdrop:

--- End quote ---

It's a book written by Paulo Coelho, isn't it? I've already read it too. I liked it but I thought it would be better. In its original form it's called O Alquimista, maybe it was translated to The Alchemist?

Talking to reading, I'm still in Sagarana for almost two months now.... and I still have to read other two till November............

The Rainbow Fish

The Crystal Cave by Mary Stewart

(It's about Merlin! :surprised:)

Gathering Blue ~ Lois Lowry  on page 62 must finish today!

 It's a very good book though especially if you liked The Giver!

Lord of the Flies

Wow! That was really good! In the beginning I though tit would be terrible, but its great in the end! :keke:


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