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What was the last non-manga book that you have read?

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--- Quote from: Keruberus on October 11 2005, 04:47 am ---It's a book written by Paulo Coelho, isn't it? I've already read it too. I liked it but I thought it would be better. In its original form it's called O Alquimista, maybe it was translated to The Alchemist?

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Yup, that's the one...jeeze, am I a bad traductor of what???  :lol:

Hehe, well, the last book I read was: Dragon Rider.  :hehe:

It was ok, although I am feeling quite disappointed since I don't have anything more to read....have to go to the bookstore soon  :sleepy5:

Harry Potter ~ The Chamber of Secrets *re-reading... Yay~*


--- Quote from: Moonflower121 on October 12 2005, 06:54 am ---Lord of the Flies

Wow! That was really good! In the beginning I though tit would be terrible, but its great in the end! :keke:

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  You LIKED it?!  I thought it was torture!  The author didn't have a clue what he was writing!  But I guess it's just differing opinions now isn't it :D

I'm still reading Gathering Blue and am on page 200 now    (I love this book!)

reading The Giver now.. the beginning's pretty decent

Pedro Páramo -Juan Rulfo


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