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What was the last non-manga book that you have read?

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Dragon Rider by Cornelia Funke :keke:


--- Quote from: Moonflower121 on October 13 2005, 06:40 am ---Yeah, I liked it in the end. Actually, I thought it was pretty good! :keke: Though, I really didn't like the beginning much...too boring. :XD: Show contentI feel so bad for Simon! He was my favorite character and he died! Nooo! He was only trying to warn them about the beast and they were so crazy that they killed him! :cry: Simon kinda reminded me of Syaoran for some reason. :sweatdrop: Maybe because they're both brave, loners and don't fear death. Oh, and I hate Jack! :angry: He's so wild, insane, crazy and just plain stupid! And Piggy died too, Noo! :cry: And the "biguns" were so mean to the "littleuns!" They told the to shut up when they cried and didn't care about them at all! :( Though, thats how most boys are I guess...non-affectionate. And the ending of the book was so sad, too! I was crying in the end and when Simon was killed. :cry: Okay, someone stop me! Haha! :D But overall I thought it was really good! :keke:

--- End quote ---

I liked Simon as well  but I hated the book even more after the "dance"  I personally didn't think the author had a CLUE!  how in the world did they end up in the pacific when they were being transported out of london to safe places?  If piggy was only nearsighted (there is a word in there that implies piggy as nearsighted)  Why couldn't he see his own hand in front of his face?  Why was there a "dog fight" out in the middle of the pacific AFTER WW2 was ended?  And well I won't say anything about the ending which was rushed so I don't spoil it for people.  But there were some major mistakes there too.  Anyway I should stop because this  is a bit off topic...  Sorry

Last thing I read     The Magicians Nephew  (Of the Narnia Series)

Director of Music:
'The Act of Keeping Cool'  - Not what ya think it would be its a really good book :okay:

Ruby Chan:
Pride And Prejudice

*sighs* Stupid anatomy books, as always...


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