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What was the last non-manga book that you have read?

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Sailor Yue-chan:
ooo i rememvber reading that...(or was hat the aneid... ah, that was 3 years ago anyway, had to translate part of the original text as a project grade...heh, lukily the book i took off the shelf had someone from before's was halfway translated for me....i only used them as reference, and still neede to translate the rest of the passage, but still i never woulda gotten that c on that progect :sweatdrop:

as for the last book i read, it was probably LionBoy: The truth

candy magazine

Harry Potter and the Half blood Prince ^^ I've read all of them so far!!! and saw all the movies, its truely awesome!!!

Ying Hua:
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone--mom thinks I'm too addicted to anime recently so I've started re-reading my HP collection to show her that it is just not so!

hehe I love Harry Potter, did you read the most recent book yet?


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