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What was the last non-manga book that you have read?

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School Reading: Spies by Michael Frayn...for the second time. Even though I hate it.

Entertainment Reading: Magician's Guild by Trudy someone...Co-something...

Eldest by Christopher Paolini (<-- that man is my idol)


The Hobbit by God J.R.R. Tolkien

Sailor Yue-chan:

--- Quote from: kudan on May 04 2006, 09:45 pm ---I like that series too! ^^ Lemony Snicket's the author right? :X (Or his nick name?)
The Outsiders by S E Hinton

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yes thats the author, and his satiricalness is so funny, and the way he "teaches" new vocab ^_^

Girl With A Pearl Earring by Tracy Chevalier - It's an awesome book, it blew me away. It brought back some SyaoranxSakura fanfic moments. I love the style, and the detail is wonderful.

Chicken Soup For The Kid's Soul by Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Patty Hansen, and Irene Dunlap - There's a kid in all of us, ne? Need I say more? :D

Best Remembered poems -edited and annotated by Martin Gardner

--- Quote from: SailorYue on May 04 2006, 04:00 pm ---currently im reading:
Series of unfortunate events: penultimate Peril

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ooh, has the last book in the series come out yet?

--- Quote from: Star on April 28 2006, 11:09 am ---A really good dog book is Where the Red Fern Grows (if you haven't read it yet of course) Really good but really sad.

--- End quote ---

ah, okay, arigatou! I'll be sure to check that out

bie liao:
Hidden Treasures by Nora Roberts.

(I wonder, does Romeo and Juliet count as a book?  Its long enough... :sweatdrop:  Just finished reading it for class).


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