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What was the last non-manga book that you have read?

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Rika Iiyumi:
Undercover Girl: #2.....Fugitive by Christine Harris
bought it and the first book at the book fair yesterday. finished four hours ago. remind me never to buy anything from a book fair again.

also read Memoirs of a Geisha (perverted enough for a twelve year old to think so ^-^) and Angels and Demons (prequel to The Davinci Code (already read, can't wait for movie)

I'm now reading "Lord of Snow and Shadows" by Sarah Ash. (one of my favorite authors) and "An Acquaintance with Darkness" by Anne Rinaldi. (another of of my favorite authors)

Sailor Yue-chan:

--- Quote from: Okamirei on May 05 2006, 12:15 pm ---Best Remembered poems -edited and annotated by Martin Gardner

ooh, has the last book in the series come out yet?

--- End quote ---
not that i know of. i havent checked amazon lately, so i dont even know if theres a title. but i cant wait, especialy after the way book 12 ended ... O.o

EDIT: ok there IS a product page on amazon, but the title they have for is rumored to be false. the real title wont be revealed till closer to its release date, shich is acotber 1st, (the fake title is "The End" and the covor loks funny. its just a black spot in that arch window thing and it says something like "...Too dreadful to picture" or something like htat.
\and aparently, acording to some forum posts (when did amazon get forums??) lemony snicket's real name is Daniel Handler.

Star Wings:
Redwall: The Bellmaker

Spy's Guidebook - Falcon Travis, Judy Hindley, Ruth Thomson, Heather Amery, Christopher Rawson, Anita Harper


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