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What was the last non-manga book that you have read?

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--- Quote from: wishingstarx on August 05 2006, 11:47 pm ---a precalculus book  :sweatdrop:

--- End quote ---
^ same

a recipe book (especially how to do cookies  :haha:)

MJ Walker:
Milkweed, forgot the name of the person who wrote it.

"Eragon","Elder"(the two are from Christopher Paolini)and"Howl's moving castle"(Diana Wynne Jones)

Kalevala, the Finnish national epic, put together by Elias Lönnrot. It's wonderful reading! I love the meter, and, really, how many mythologies (if you can call Kalevala that...) can brag about having a lingonberry getting a girl pregnant?


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