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What was the last non-manga book that you have read?

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The Golden Compass by Phillip Pullman.

...........It. Was. Awesome.


--- Quote from: Myna on September 16 2007, 11:15 pm ---The Golden Compass by Phillip Pullman.

...........It. Was. Awesome.
--- End quote ---

It is, isn't it? I've recently started on the His Dark Materials trilogy (I am currently about halfway through The Amber Spyglass). It was the announcement of the coming movie that triggered the 'Gosh, I really need to come around to reading these books now' reaction for me. It's nice to find youth's literature with such an intelligent plot, and that so clearly take a stand against religion.

I finished the Amber Spyglass a few days ago. ^^ The Golden Compass was my favorite out of the three, though

Rereading the Naming/the Gift by Alison Croggon.

Sailor Yue-chan:
Fushiki, i recomend reading it. its very good, and quite a few surprises ^^

just started "Got Fangs?" its a vampire romance ^_^

Rereading The Riddle By Alison Croggon


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