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What was the last non-manga book that you have read?

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A series of Unfortunate Events Book the Eighth: The Hostile Hospital :XD: Dunno why?

Princess Kakurine:
Education Journal

Ruby Chan:

--- Quote from: DoRKyLOo on September 01 2005, 01:34 pm ---King Lear - Shakespeare

Don't you just love summer reading???

--- End quote ---

Oh yeah....I'm working through a Midsummer Night's Dream - Shakespeare right now......

the scarlet letter - nathanial hawthorne

i love classics.. and i don't think shakespeare is thaat bad.. but i never understood midsummer's dream..
all sherlock books are great! and did you liked the opal deception okamirei?? ( i know ... i read a lot :P)

currently: 1984 george orwell


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