CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE

General discussions on the TRC Movie

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Lol, yeah, I think the DVD you'll have to wait for at least 4-5 months perhaps. I have no idea though. It's a rough esitmate. ^^

Does anybody know if the movie is coming here or if we have to get it on DVD? And if we do get it on DVD will it have subtitles? I can speak some Japanese, but I'm not fluent in it.


--- Quote from: moezy-chan on August 22 2005, 11:58 pm ---Does anybody know if the movie is coming here or if we have to get it on DVD? And if we do get it on DVD will it have subtitles? I can speak some Japanese, but I'm not fluent in it.

--- End quote ---

We'd have to wait for the series to get licensed here before we could get the movie.
The Japanese DVD probably won't have English subtitles.

M-months? Or a YEAR? Without seeing the Tsubasa movie?!?! I can barely last the one week period in between episodes ... *sniff* I need Fai....  *huggles imaginary Fai plushie*


--- Quote from: KatanaJon on August 23 2005, 11:32 am ---We'd have to wait for the series to get licensed here before we could get the movie.
The Japanese DVD probably won't have English subtitles.

--- End quote ---

Go figure; bit of wishful thinking on my part.


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