CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE

No Tsubasa till 20th? Complain here!

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Sugar Fairy:
they better put in the meow meow when it aires on the 20th!!!



--- Quote from: Arcademan/PixieP on August 12 2005, 01:44 pm ---Heh. You think waiting a couple of weeks for another episode is bad?!!

Wait until the first season ends! Then you'll really feel pain!!! :D

--- End quote ---

please don't remind me.. it'll be torture when it ends.

Miss Jenni-Maie:
That never even crossed my mind!
Oh dear, that won't be good for my head or my desk....since I'll be repeatedly banging the former on the latter.
[shiver] Torture...pure tortue.

Today I just found out about it, and at first I sort of felt relieved because I was worrying that where I get the episodes just stopped, but then I found out it was postponed until the 20th...and then I got upset! Because the preview of eppy 18 was so good! Oh to wait and wait, what can you do?
It's the first time I actually have to wait because before I saw anime that were already done and showed on TV every day and now to wait until 2007 until it's done...oh well

5 more days.........<---is going crazy


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