CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE

No Tsubasa till 20th? Complain here!

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woooo hoooo! only 5 more days. i think we all can last, right?!

Just 5 more days...still..I can't wait 5 more days!!  :BangHead:

it'll be okaayy! just review episodes 13-17. one per day.. and then on the 20th, you'll get to watch 18!


--- Quote from: aishiteru on August 16 2005, 02:34 am ---it'll be okaayy! just review episodes 13-17. one per day.. and then on the 20th, you'll get to watch 18!

--- End quote ---
ooh, you've got a point there..

--- Quote from: Arcademan/PixieP on August 12 2005, 01:44 pm ---Heh. You think waiting a couple of weeks for another episode is bad?!!

Wait until the first season ends! Then you'll really feel pain!!! :D

--- End quote ---
I feel like I've been stabbed.. x_x

Oh man!! Dang it!!! I went and got in trouble and my mom told me only one show and i picked Tsubasa and now it isn't even on!?! This Bites I mean really Baseball a bunch of swetty men hit a ball with a stick and run around in a circle.............(dripping with scarcasim) oh yeah that is so much better then seeing Kurogane's reaction to his 'new name'
but i guess that i can last
I hate baseball.


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