AuthorTopic: The Post Thread VI (AKA The Meaningless Thread)  (Read 213689 times)

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Re: The Post Thread VI (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
« Reply #440 on: September 16 2005, 05:32 am »
>_< Paper cuts are bad. I got one yesterday too on my finger. I didn't know I got one until I came home and something on my finger started stinging and itching. I saw there was a cut. I didn't know how I got it even.. lolz. Weird..

Angel!! I don't even know the numbers. haha!!!! Only up to like 30, I think? I don't know like what's 40 or 50, etc. lolz. I'm stupid. I only know like verbs. -__-" *sigh* French sucks so much. I have an assignment due tomorrow.... again. ARG!!! STUPID FRENCH!!!
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Re: The Post Thread VI (AKA The Meaningless Thread
« Reply #441 on: September 16 2005, 05:43 am »
Lol, it's easy. The thing about the numbers in french is that the only 10, 20, 30... etc... are different. ^_^

Like this:

10 - dix
20 - vingt
30 - trente
40 -
50 - cinquante
60 - soixante
70 - soixante dix
80 - quatre vingt
90 - quatre vingt dix
100 - cent

Corresponding numbers after are quite similar to each other. You don;t really see much of a difference. lol. There's a pattern for each set of numbers. ^_^

But enough about french, I need a break from it. lol. I'm so tired from school... and my friend let me see something funny. Here:

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Re: The Post Thread VI (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
« Reply #442 on: September 16 2005, 05:48 am »
HAHA!! School was fun today, well in math. Math is the craziest class ever!!! haha. Everyone is like against our teacher and yea it's crazy. ^__^ So much fun!!! lolz. Today I had a nice day. xP lolz. FUN FUN FUN!!

I just want to eat and sleep right now. HAHA!!! There's nothing to do right now. I'm waiting for stuff to download. >__<

Those crazy laws are too long. Too much to read. lolz. I'm being lazy right now. hehe..
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Re: The Post Thread VI (AKA The Meaningless Thread
« Reply #443 on: September 16 2005, 05:53 am »
Each state had crazy laws.. that site kinda repeated a few... but they were crazy alright... lol. Example: The penalty for jumping off a building is death. Makes sense but as a law? Lol. Sounds like a joke. o.o"

My math class today was... filled with 'fun'. By fun I mean chaos. Lol. I made a bet with my friend that the teacher is going to lose control of the class within a month. xD

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Re: The Post Thread VI (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
« Reply #444 on: September 16 2005, 06:01 am »
Jumping off a bridge... lolz the penalty is death. ROFL!!! Wow that makes a lot of sense for a law. lolz.

HAHA!!! I was like to my friend today in math telling him that we make our teacher goes nuts. ROFL!! And we didn't have like a few of the loud students either. ROFL!! So much fun! haha.
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Re: The Post Thread VI (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
« Reply #445 on: September 16 2005, 06:04 am »
Everyone in all my classes just sort of buckle down and do their work quietly....although from what I've seen, some of the lower groups are giving their teachers hell! But I like all my teachers.....they're pretty fair minded, and although strict enough, not overbearing.

Heh...I might miss half of my half-term this year to go on an English novel writing course my teacher found for me...and if I do, she says that the school will fund half of it for me!

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Re: The Post Thread VI (AKA The Meaningless Thread
« Reply #446 on: September 16 2005, 06:07 am »
Lol... I think my teacher is... socially.... mentally challenged? Lol, I think you know what that means. :P Today she kept calling on me... yeah I answered right... then she kept calling on me... o_o" maybe I should start getting the answers wrong on purpose. Lol. I hate class participation. Like in English today, the teacher called on me to answer, "What are some qualities of a good leader?" I wasn't reallly paying attention... I was reading something... hahah! Im a hopeless case in academics. -.-"

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Re: The Post Thread VI (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
« Reply #447 on: September 16 2005, 06:36 am »
HAHA!! I never pay attention in class either!! lolz. I mean like French.. I just don't understand so yea. I just stare out the window. ROFL!! Whoo.. I just noticed I sit in the same spot as Sakura in CCS. ROFL!!!

And in Civics, I was busy reading a book too. Good thign that the teacher didn't call on me. They never do!! Except French. STUPID TEACHER! She just loves to pick on me. >__< lolz.

Science, I actually pay attention too. Because there's nothing to do in science. No one to talk to beside me and nothing else to do. LOLZ! So when the teacher calls on me, I know the answer. ROFL!!!

Math... HAHA!! No one likes that teacher.. she can't teach properlly anyways. She sucks! I mean like all the people who are bad in math don't get what she's saying half the time. And I can't read her writing. >__< She has to make everything so complicated. xP lolz

OMG!!!! I just remembered I have to get my Science test signed. O___O NO!!! I did bad on it. My mom will kill me!!! Hmmm.. what if I just give it to my dad?? lolz. That wouldn't be so bad. haha.. I think.. Oh great.

Well I'm off to get food. My stomach is like growling really loudly. O__O
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Re: The Post Thread VI (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
« Reply #448 on: September 16 2005, 07:09 am »
I am absolutely beat from school. I finished my paper in time, but then I had to do the Works Cited page. At least it's done now, and my time on the forums is doubled! I can spend more time on here! Yatta! Until Monday. I'll have to revise my paper when I get it back. Joy, but the weekend is now mine!

Offline lika-chi

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Re: The Post Thread VI (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
« Reply #449 on: September 16 2005, 07:27 am »
OMG! I hate doing Work Cited. It's so annoying. O_O So many rules to follow. lolz.

HAHA!! Lucky! I still have to do my homework. It's still sitting in my bag. ROFL!!! Maybe I should start.

On the weekend, I have a ton of math homework to catch up on and an assignment for math to hand in on Monday. And then I have a mini quiz for Science (and tomorrow), and I have a 'quest' on Tuesday for Math too. T___T What a weekend. ARG!!
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Re: The Post Thread VI (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
« Reply #450 on: September 16 2005, 07:30 am »
Oh you're telling me lika-chi! I can't stand the Works Cited page. I'd rather write a 20 page paper than the Works Cited page! It is so annoying, but it's that, or get expelled. At least the only typing I have to worry about now is in this forum! That's typing I love to do!

Offline lika-chi

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Re: The Post Thread VI (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
« Reply #451 on: September 16 2005, 07:32 am »
OMG! I totally agree. I rather write more on a topic than do work-cited. Work cited is so much work and you have to get all the correct information. I mean like everytime I do one, I always have to get different sources, other than books and internet. And then you have to make the in order and all this stuff. SO ANNOYING! Why not just stick to a bibliography!!! >__<
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Re: The Post Thread VI (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
« Reply #452 on: September 16 2005, 07:52 am »
Dominoes may not be played on sunday?   oookay

I hate reasearch papers alltogether.  let alone keeping track of where I got my info.  I has almost no homework today!  It is wonderful!

Now to go steal a book from my brother  Muwahahahahahahahaha!
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Re: The Post Thread VI (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
« Reply #453 on: September 16 2005, 07:57 am »
lolz. I suck! My school sucks!! I have homework. NOT FAIR!! T__T lolz

Blah. I'm leaving my homework until later. I'm going to read my book. ^__^ really good book too.
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Re: The Post Thread VI (AKA The Meaningless Thread
« Reply #454 on: September 16 2005, 12:25 pm »
Lol, homework... it kinda makes me wonder how I passed math last semester... I never did them... seriously. :heh: But the teacher was nice since I was the one who participated. o.o"

As a plus, right now, it's 10:30PM, I'm supposed to be sleeping (I get to school by 8 but wake up at 7. Avg hrs of sleep is like... 12. lol!) and I STILL haven't done my Earth Science HW....

I finally got my new MP3 player in the mail! Hooray! But it's... kinda hard to get the battery in/out of the thing... o.O stupid cover. -.-"

I'm very bored... new topic anyone? lol. I ran out of new ones to rant about. xD

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Re: The Post Thread VI (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
« Reply #455 on: September 16 2005, 12:51 pm »
Hmmm. I'm stuck doing homework now. *sigh*. My math teacher gave us homework but she's like "It's not all due tomorrow", so yea. I just tossed it in my locker. ROFL! And plus she doesn't check. I have my french and science. >__< Have to hand one in and the other checks. *sigh* SUCKS to be me.

Hmm... New topic?? How about... *mind's blank* People inspiring me to do my fanfiction. I was going to write for my latest chapter today. -__-" But I've been a major case of writer's block. And the bLuetopaz commented on one chapter. HAHA so yea. *sigh* Need more inspiration!! ARG!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Re: The Post Thread VI (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
« Reply #456 on: September 16 2005, 08:14 pm »
lika-chi.. can you should put your Fanfic LJ link on your signature as well.. easier access... :keke:

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Re: The Post Thread VI (AKA The Meaningless Thread
« Reply #457 on: September 16 2005, 09:00 pm »
Lol, true. I'd like to read them too! ^_^ I've had writer's block too. Stupid thing... but I decided to go hiatus with the school crap... -.-" but I still manage to come up with one-shots. o_O that's just how bored I am in class. xD

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Re: The Post Thread VI (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
« Reply #458 on: September 17 2005, 04:35 am »
Ahh, writers one true foe. I keep having to start new stories and hope that I get enough inspiration to go back to my old ones....I have about 20 'on the go' at the moment....and only 4 I'm actually working on.

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Re: The Post Thread VI (AKA The Meaningless Thread
« Reply #459 on: September 17 2005, 05:29 am »
Lol....... sighs... damn it, I wanted to finish off the multi-chapter story I had... from now on, I'll be writing one-shots only. The prolonged stories are just a pain to deal with. LOL! *laziness*

So tired... just got back from school... but I still have to go to the dentists' office to let the doc see how my teeth are without the braces... and with teh retainers... I really hate going to that place... stupids lights...