Though Kenshin & L will always be my faves, heres a long list of them all
Rurouni KenshinKenshin, Sano
Tsubasa Reservoir ChronicleFai, Kuro
Final Fantasy 8Squall, Seifer, Zell, Laguna
Final Fantasy 7/ Advent ChildrenVincent, Reno, Sephiroth, Cloud, Kadaj
Final Fantasy X/X-2Tidus, Shuyin
Kingdom HeartsLeon, Cloud, Sephy, Riku
Death NoteL (Ryuuzaki), Mellow
Neon Genesis EvangelionKaworu
InuyashaInuyasha, Sesshomaru, Miroku
Fruits BasketKyo, Haru, Shigure, Yuki
phew! I think thats all of them