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::SinG WitH ME::

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What did you use for the scarlet karaoke? Just the piano solo or is there a different karaoke track?
Also the link for it doesnt work ^^;.

Cherry tiger:

--- Quote from: Senefen on May 31 2006, 12:41 pm ---What did you use for the scarlet karaoke? Just the piano solo or is there a different karaoke track?
Also the link for it doesnt work ^^;.

--- End quote ---

During the time I sang that track, I never even thought of singing it with the song in the background cause I didn't want the original lyrics to get in the way. Plus, I didn't have Adobe Audition as well so yeah.... I sang it without any music in the background. My aim was for people to know how to sing that song... so that they can sing it for themselves or they can even post their singing online singing to my lyrics. ^^ Of course, they must be credited....

As for the link, I'll reupload it soon. I'm in college now so... @_@ Yeah, wait till I'm back. But I'm glad that someone's interested with it! I'll pm you once I'm done. And thanks for the LJ link, Senefen! I'm gonna try and join that group... wish me luck. Lol!!!!! ^^

Thank you all for your generous support! (bows)

Oh, I have a question. Should I upload my files in Rapidshare? After all, there is no time limit and such... right?

You could use that or savefile. Save file has a limit kinda, it only expires from a long period of no downloads. I dont know about rapid share, I dont use it.  Also if you dont mind you files being public seems to be pretty good.

I gave Boisu - one of the girls at the LJ group the link to you page hoping she'd want to do Scarlet or Amurita (cos I love her voice and love those songs). She said she probably will if she has time ^^ yay! Go get some of her stuff. - she's done some english anime songs as well as jap versions (checkout her Kesenai Tsumi acapella).
O.o I'm pulgging everyone today.

Glad I could help with LJ and hope that helps with hosting :P.

Cherry tiger:
Wow... you don't know how much you've helped me, Senefen! Thank you sooo much! :noteworthy:

I'll try to get Scarlet up soon... and hopefully I'll be able to get Boisu or maybe others to help sing for me as well. ^^

Again, thank you so much for your help!

^^ aww shucks.
I just love the songs, like your translations and cant sing. -though I did sing your english verstions while listening to the songs on my ipod with no one else home XD.
But I'm glad that I could help.

Oh and I just saw your site. The piano solo for scarlet is here. Its not an exact karaoke version, there's no intro and the last chorus is cut out. But i dont know where to get a full version so *shrug*. You could cut out the vocals with some program. I've seen it done but i dont know what to use
*waiting for your version to download*


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