CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE

Tsubasa DVD Box Set (More pics)

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If they came with english subtitles, I'd buy it! If you've read the del rey manga, it comes with translation notes and stuff that explain things ^^ well I'm just selling tsubasa here, but hey!


--- Quote from: Strawberry on September 02 2005, 01:55 am ---Erm, don't you mean approximately $35 for the first DVD and $55 for the other volumes?

info can be found here;

--- End quote ---

no, I bought the first press DVD for $58...was I ripped off? :sweatdrop:

Wow that's pretty. I want buy it ;_;

This is going seem like a silly noob question but I can't find this info anywhere. Does anyone know when Tsubasa Chronicles is going to be released in North America? I've seen the DVDs on sell on the internet but they're all region ... er one or two (I always get those two mixed up, the one that's non-North America). I don't even know if TRC is Licensed =(


--- Quote from: Okamirei on September 28 2005, 01:26 pm ---no, I bought the first press DVD for $58...was I ripped off? :sweatdrop:

--- End quote ---

oh dear, the first DVD should cost approximately $35 excluding postage and packaging. If you brought it for $58, then its a definite rip off because CD Japan sells everything at the RRP (recommended retail price). where did you brought the DVD from? If its from a country not from Japan, then it probably explains why the cost is approximately $20 above the RRP as it costs money to import.

OMG, I want the box!! But I can't buy it from the U.S >_< To expensive. Y know. I'm swede T_T


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