CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE
A little help?
I'm really sorry if this isn't supposed to be here, I'm new. Anyways, I have been trying to download 16+ episodes of Tsubasa that are subbed but during my download of epi 15, I've been having trouble trying to get them. I don't know if it's my torrent or the server...but can someone tell me if they know? And, if you can send me the episodes, then email me I'm fed up with BitTorrents...
Sayora Chan:
I really don't think it's the torrent's fault. I have dial up and my Onii-San has broadband and torrents always work. The only time i've seen problems, was when someone's harddrive was almost full. I think you should defragment your computer and try it again. I hope I was able to help. :wave:
--- Quote from: Keroberos on September 01 2005, 08:02 am ---I'm really sorry if this isn't supposed to be here, I'm new. Anyways, I have been trying to download 16+ episodes of Tsubasa that are subbed but during my download of epi 15, I've been having trouble trying to get them. I don't know if it's my torrent or the server...but can someone tell me if they know? And, if you can send me the episodes, then email me I'm fed up with BitTorrents...
--- End quote ---
I really have idea where you'd find a direct download for any of the tsubasa chronicle eps. Just do your best to find a torrent that has seeds and be as patient as possible. If you really want to try your luck...there are several livejournal communities that are all about Tsubasa. Just do a search and I'm sure that you'll find them!
yes i have the same problem. i'm up to eps 9 only =( coz when i try to download torrent eps they don't work. do i have to download a certain program or something? taskete (help) please help me!!!!
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