CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE

Theme Song Change

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--- Quote from: Adarian on September 08 2005, 11:57 am ---Wow, nice observation. I think that's all true.

As for the second season's theme, I would like something fast paced. Blaze is okay, but I want something even faster that really gets the adrenaline going like a techno hard J-Pop rock song or something, lol. I like Loop, too, and for the new credits, I'd like to see another romantic song with even more S+S in it.

--- End quote ---

Me too! I want something fast paced! Oh with a para para remix! (Or the para para one can be the real one, too...)

Kyle Rondart:
It would seem really cliche for Yui Makino to sing a new theme song, maybe for the last episode but not for the new seasons.

I want.. something fast for the new season's OP, then maybe something sad for the ED, sort of like the Meitantei Conan episodes.

Kyle Rondart:
Long as Kotoko doesn't perform an OP for a new season. I love the woman but she needs to let the pther I've girls get into the anime theme thing.

They absolutely will change every season.  I just know it!  After listening to Loop and Blaze so many times I've kinda gotten bored of it.  x_X;  I still love it but its time for a change.  =]


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