CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE

Theme Song Change

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Kyle Rondart:
Maaya Sakamoto has a new cd coming out so maybe they'll use a song from it.


--- Quote from: Adarian on September 08 2005, 11:57 am ---Wow, nice observation. I think that's all true.

As for the second season's theme, I would like something fast paced. Blaze is okay, but I want something even faster that really gets the adrenaline going like a techno hard J-Pop rock song or something, lol. I like Loop, too, and for the new credits, I'd like to see another romantic song with even more S+S in it.

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I agree with ya.  I think a good ending would be realize by melody.  that's one really good song.  if anyone wants it they can pm me and i'll give them a link.  *is a jpop nut*  I'm not so sure on a new OP though...

As much as I like the current OP and ED songs I have no doubt they will change it next season. As many have mention, music is a big market and they have chanced for CCS so why not Tsubasa.

I would not mind Yui Makino singing and ED song, but I would like to hear Mika Nakashima do a slow song for the Ending but I doubt it will happen.


--- Quote from: snowangel on September 27 2005, 08:13 am ---I would not mind Yui Makino singing and ED song, but I would like to hear Mika Nakashima do a slow song for the Ending but I doubt it will happen.

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Yui Makino singing a new OP might happen.  But I doubt it would be as good as BLAZE was.  Yui Makino can sing no doubt about that but I don't think that she should stick with slow ballads.  She does much much MUCH better with faster paced songs like Jasmin.
We will most likely not see Mika Nakashima do a song for Tsubasa right.  She's neck deep in all of the NANA stuff.

I've never heard of Yui Makino sing a fast paces song yet, but it'd be interesting to hear her do an OP song. Oh I just realized it'd be cool to have a FrictionJuction song as an ending theme but they usually do insert songs don't they (at least so far with GSD and Tsubusa).

But yea I kinda figured Mika Nakashima would be too busy, still it's wishful thinking on my part.


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