CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE

Theme Song Change

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--- Quote from: snowangel on September 27 2005, 03:56 pm ---I haven't watched Loveless yet, so maybe they do ending theme or even opening themes at that O.o If they did I hope they consider doing one for Tsubasa. They're songs are great I'm actually trying to find their new album (I think it's called Destination) on CDJapan.

Edit-Ouch my grammar was horrible. Must be getting sleepy.

--- End quote ---

There's more Fictionjunction stuff?  o.o  The only things I've ever heard of is the stuff from Tsubasa.  But then agian...i was out of the loop for two years before coming back to all of the jpop stuff. *shrugs*
Downloads?  Anyone?  I have a new release if you're looking for it?  *grin*
Anyway, it'd be hard to predict who'd be doing the new themes (assuming that we have the new ones).  Because it'll be 6 months *cries* before we get anymore Tsubasa.  But I'm gonna put my money (agian...more assuming that they're gonna stick w/ faster paced songs for the opening) but the money goes on Tomiko Van (formerly of DAI).  It'd be a good way for her to reach her fans that become lost because of the break up.  Or they might go for Missile Innovation (the other DAI guy's new band).  Agian...i'm just rambling and assuming things....

As much as I like Ayu, Maaya did an awesome job on the song. I like the current opening and ending themes, but considering how CCS was, there'll be new songs every season, which I'm happy with. :)

Kyle Rondart:
For now on why don't you all post songs that you think make good opening and ending themes for Tsubasa. I'll start:
OP:IMMORAL by Mami Kawada
ED:Oboete te Ii yo by KOTOKO

Miescha Clayre:
Well, I agree with the fast paced OP and romantic ED...I don't really have an artist preference but I say Maaya-sempai did a great job on Loop though it kinda gets tiring... I was thinking that Tsubasa may be a nice new ED but I think Insert songs stays as insert songs am I right?

mami is quite nice but i dun see her singing for tsubasa...


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