CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE
Theme Song Change
Here's a thought...I know that some series have the same artists singing throughout the entire series. Full Moon wo Sagashite was like that. They had The Scanty do all of the songs for the opening and even a insert song i think. And Changin' My Life did every single one of the endings and the insert songs.
So they might keep KINYA for all of the Openings...but I know that they would change Maaya..besides..she's about to come out w/ a new album next week.
Kyle Rondart:
*shivers* KiNYA needs to quit.
--- Quote from: Okamirei on September 17 2005, 12:58 pm ---I want.. something fast for the new season's OP, then maybe something sad for the ED, sort of like the Meitantei Conan episodes.
--- End quote ---
Yeah i agree.
And along with what everyone else has said, i like Loop and Blaze, but its time for a change ^^
I really have no pref. of who sings the OP and ED, as long as its good!
Kyle Rondart:
I hope some Sony or Geneon artist perform the new theme.
I like loop, its a good song!!'d be ncie to hear a change ^_^ it's probably gonna change..since CCS changed for all three seasons >.>
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