CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE

Theme Song Change

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I prefer Hikki. She sings very well in each of her albums and I hope she'll be singing for second season opening. And, I think Sakamoto Maaya did a very good job in singing Loop. For second season, I want her to sing for the ending.

Kya, I'm not really biased for one artist or the other, but I personally liked Blaze, though it seems everyone else hated it...

I liked Blaze. Its starting to get a little old, though. I'd like to see a new theme song. But no Ayumi, please. @_@ Another Yui Makino song for an ED would be sweet.... I'm really starting to like her voice.


--- Quote from: Pikari on September 03 2005, 03:19 pm ---I liked Blaze. Its starting to get a little old, though. I'd like to see a new theme song. But no Ayumi, please. @_@ Another Yui Makino song for an ED would be sweet.... I'm really starting to like her voice.

--- End quote ---

Finally, another person who doesn't worship all-things-Ayumi... I see her so often she's starting to drive me insane...

Ooh, I really hope they change the opening and ending. I like BLAZE and Loop, but I'm getting a little tired of it *sigh*

I like Yui Makino's voice too, maybe she'll sing a new ending :D


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