AuthorTopic: Jealousy Test  (Read 33990 times)

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Re: Jealousy Test
« Reply #60 on: April 18 2006, 05:51 am »
You are 41.27% jealous!
For this test, the average jealousy percentage is 35.54%.
516746 people have taken this test to date.

This percentage means that :
•You are not a jealous person, but sometimes can be.
•Occasionally, you over-react to situations.
•Most of the time, you trust the people around.
•Jealously will not be a major issue in relationships, but you might want to improve your self-esteem

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Re: Jealousy Test
« Reply #61 on: April 18 2006, 06:15 am »
You are 20.63% jealous!
For this test, the average jealousy percentage is 35.54%.
516748 people have taken this test to date.

This percentage means that :
•You have very few jealous traits.
•You rarely over-react and have a handle on the severity of situations.
•Whatever jealous attributes you do have will not present a problem in relationships, and will sometimes help.

Heh... And I thought I was more jealous than that. ^^
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Re: Jealousy Test
« Reply #62 on: April 20 2006, 12:53 am »
You are 20.63% jealous!

Heh... And I thought I was more jealous than that. ^^

Ahh.. you're such a better person than meee.. I got 61%!! T_T But that WAS already a few months ago.. Maybe I'll take it again...
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