CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE

xxxHolic Movie

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*sees Fye-chan's link* Whoo hoo! Cookie for imouto-chan! *hugs*

Yay!! Thanks a LOT Fye-chan!!!  :hello2:

Thanks Fye-chan awesome pictures :)

No prob and thanks a lot for the cookies!!!
The best thing about the xxxHolic movie is that they didn't changed Kimihiros personality!
This hyperactive guy is so damn cute in the trailer when he screams or when he runs...with this long thin legs....awesome!!!
I want to see more!!!   o>_<o

Live-Evil has said they'd be dubbing the Tsubasa and the XXXHolic movies as soon as they can get good raws of the movies, which probably means we'll have to wait for them to come out on DVD. Sadness... But I'd much rather wait for a good raw than get a good dub with bad visual quality.


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