But it's only available for sale on DVD in Japan. Not everybody knows Japanese, so not everybody can understand the movie without English subtitles and not everyone has a DVD player that can play Japanese DVDs, and Japanese DVDs can be expensive. Anyway, Eask, just scroll back a few posts and you'll find a link to the torrent of the XXXholic movie. It shouldn't be hard to find. I just watched the XXXholic movie myself, but to be honest, I thought it was a bit disappointing. The animation and music were really good and it had some cute, funny moments, but the plot was too predictable and I thought the crossover bit with Tsubasa was too much of a rip off. I was hoping we would get to see how Shaoran met Yuuko for the first time but from the XXXholic point of view or for at least their crossover bit to have more relevance to the actual plot of the movie. The crossover bit with Tsubasa just feels too randomly placed and kind of cheap to me, but I still really want to see the Tsubasa movie. I'm more of a Tsubasa fan than a XXXholic fan, anyway.