CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE

Question about Jasmin on the Amrita Cd...

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Does anybody have the lyrics to Jasmin? The zip file i got had it in Kanji and i can't read it :(

"addicted"  :lol:

ya i really want the lyrics too i'm obsessed with that song

Cherry tiger:
Hey, is there a place where I can download this song without using BitTorrent? @.@


--- Quote from: Cherry tiger on September 06 2005, 05:01 pm ---Hey, is there a place where I can download this song without using BitTorrent? @.@

--- End quote ---

actually, yes. Instead of using bittorrent to download music from minglong @ nipponsei, use IRC. Internet Relay Chat like mIRC can get your downloads quickly and they offer their music at IRC as well as bittorrent.

Cherry tiger:
Thanks... managed to download it from another site though. (Thank God! ^^) Hey, can you send me the kanji? I might be able to help make it into romaji and... with a lot of luck, translate it.

Cause yeah... I'm addicted as well.  :heh:


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